How You Can Empower Change In Your Startup

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I’ve faced that chaos. It’s the chaos of features, ideas and dreams that clouds your basic idea — the problem you’re solving. One of the ways through that chaos is to sit down and answer the 5 questions below:

Simple right? You’ve to be certain of the questions below, before going to the next stage. Below are the questions, explained.

By way of example, we’ll be using a Netflix/Prime/Hulu recommendation app — that tracks your series movies views and does a better job of recommending series/movies for you to watch.

What makes your product better than any other similar product?

Here you’ll determine what differentiates your product. Simply put, if your product is doing something better than those in the market, you’re likely to attract those users into your product. Competition analysis is important here. Use the competitor products for a few days to understand how they function, what they lack, before you put the features here.

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